OpenBuildings GenerativeComponents Help

Copy node

Used to copy a selected node geometry with technique set to copy to, and creates instance of node.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: Computational Design > Home > Manipulate > Copy
  • Toolbox - Manipulate Node

Opens Node Properties dialog where essentially a CopyFrom point and a CopyTo point are defined and applied.

Node Properties dialog

CopyFrom Defines the source location of node to be copied from.
CopyTo Defines the destination location of node to be copied at.
Dialog toolbar controls
  • (Hold Changes Until Applied) – changes made to the nodes for copy command are held and are applied once the Apply Changes tick mark icon is clicked.
  • (Apply Changes) – changes made to the node settings are applied to the affected nodes.
  • (Cancel Changes) – changes made to the nodes are discarded without affecting the nodes.
  • (Whenever nodes are selected, insert their names in current field) — when on, the name of the selected node (click in the graph view to change node) is taken in current field as value.